Crazy natural acne remedies worth trying.

1. White Plain Toothpaste
When I was a teenager I learned if I popped a pimple and applied toothpaste to it, it would dry out, heal fast and the scab would peel away without scarring. I later learned that I could apply it without popping the pimple overnight and it would help dry the pimple out and dissipate quickly.

To use the toothpaste method:

  • Use only the white (not gel or striped kind) none-whitening, low or no fluoride toothpaste, it is best to use the natural or organic kind. 
  • Apply as the spot treatment only overnight or for at least 2 hours to a clean face. 
  • Wash away toothpaste throughly with warm soapy water.

2. Simple Honey
Honey both fights acne and helps to fade scars. Honey can be used by itself or and in combination with other natural ingredients. Honey can heal damaged skin cells and fade scars. Processed honey is not as effective because it does not contain all the nutrients present in raw honey, so for best results, always use raw, organic honey to treat or remove acne scars.

Honey contains natural antibiotics that protect against bacteria that cause acne and heal damaged skin cells. Interactions between the sugar in honey and the secretions from a healing breakout can trigger the production of hydrogen peroxide, which  in theory kills the bacteria that causes acne and naturally bleaches away scars. Honey is a natural antiseptic that minimizes the severity of a breakout, leaving behind less of a scar while being a natural moisturizer.

Honey can be used alone or in combination with other natural ingredients:
  • Raw Honey -  Wash your face and pat dry. Apply a thin layer of honey to your entire face and leave on for at least 10 minutes. Massage skin with wet fingers in a circular motion. Rinse with cool water and pat dry. For best results, leave honey on overnight.
  • Honey and Turmeric - Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and it soothes skin to reduce inflammation. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply to skin and leave on 15 minutes. Massage skin with wet fingers for a few minutes to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. Rinse with cool water and pat dry. Repeat daily.
  • Honey and Lemon - Lemon is also antibacterial and natural bleaching agent that fades acne scars and freckles. Mix equal amounts of honey and fresh lemon juice. Wash face with mild face wash and dry. Apply mixture to skin and leave on 15 minutes. Spritz skin with lukewarm water and massage gently, using circular motions. Rinse with cool water and pat dry. Repeat daily.
  • Honey and Cinnamon - Mix equal quantities ground cinnamon and raw honey Apply to skin and leave on 5 minutes. Rinse with cool water and pat dry. Repeat daily.

3. Aspirin Paste
Crush one or two aspirin and mix with two parts water and apply as a spot treatment to clean skin and leave on for no more 15 minutes. Remove with a clean wet cloth.

WARNING: You do not want to leave aspirin on your skin for longer than 15 minutes. Otherwise your skin will absorb a lot of aspirin into your bloodstream, where it will remain for awhile. You do not want to leave aspirin on your skin for longer than 15 minutes. Otherwise your skin will absorb a lot of aspirin into your bloodstream, where it will remain for awhile.

Acne is caused by hormonal imbalances, poor hygiene, poor diet, and other factors. Though these remedies may work for some, the remedy will depend upon the cause.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Used as a daily toner, apple cider vinegar's natural acids balance a skin's pH and calms acne. I used this for over a year with great success.

These remedies can cure your acne naturally, but keep in mind that results may vary depending of the root cause of your acne.