I believe in natural hair for a number of reason including the freedom that it is to control what is put into and what is done with my hair. I went natural because I love who I am in my natural state. There are certain aspects of sisterlocks that is so stressful and frustrating.
Consultants are gouging, they are abusing the trademark and they are over charging for what you are getting in return. I will gladly pay a consultant her asking price, if I am receiving a product of equal quality. But some of these consultants want a rate of pay that, in my opinion, they have not earned. Some are, quite frankly, delusional about their abilities. They have NOT earned it in quality. They have NOT earned it in expertise. They have NOT earned it in the way in which they deal with and educate their clients.
The end of my rant, I am sorry for this brief moment of ugliness. I am tired of getting the same emails and questions from other sisterlockers trying to overcome the "consultant" obstacle.
I payed 1500 for whole consultant class so that i could do my own hair and my families def worth the money
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's worth it to dispense with the grand titles and just get an individual who knows their stuff, understands your hair and your needs, whether consultant,trainee or other.
ReplyDeleteI agree...that is why I caution recommending Certified Consultant over a trainee, because it all boils down to kindness, and can they do the work. I find that Certified Consultant can be just as bad, and maybe that comes with the ego of being on the Certified list. Even with the line of work I do, I can’t ever put out crap as one of my works (portfolio) and I wonder if bad consultant ever thinks that way.
ReplyDeleteAs a consultant/ cosmetologist I have seen customer come from master trainee and certified consultant and there hair care is not good also the does not tell you who been in the business of sisterlock it is fake. I have been doing sisterlocks for over 6 years and I was taking off the site every time I have to go and do a refresher course just came from my refresher course, it was told to me to go to the refresher course every year, it cost me 600 to 800 dollars.after paying $150 for the refresher course for staying in a hotel for 4 nights hotel is at least $96 to at least $150 per night plus gas, train airplane, eaten cause, lunch time all that is a lot of money just to go and take a refresher course after going for your training after paying 1500 dollars you do not stay on the site she takes you off the site and you have to go back and pay more money she keeps it under the umbrella.I think that is ridiculous as a cosmetologist I never had to go on the state board I just pay my fee. this woman is making money residual income of woman that is try to make money after going to that course.I do a good job at what I do but do you see me on the site as a trainee or as a certified sisterlock consultant it all depends if you know about care that's what you go by.There are some people in the business that are not cosmetologist they never went to school for hair care so that is the problem sorry.
DeleteAs sisterlock consultant that went to the class, anyone that go to a class that does sisterlock any type of locks should be able to do whatever they choose to do in the business the systerlocks is a trademark and I can say they are very unprofessional in their office as a sisterlock consultant I have been through so many ups and down with sisterlocks so now I am letting people know sisterlocks is no different than Micro locks
ReplyDeleteI have sisterlocks and if I shared my story most people wont get sisterlocks. I am so fed up with sisterlocks, I am willing to just do microlocks. I'm so disappointed in how much I invested in my SL, the pain and frustration I experience is unimaginable. Srsly, I am glad I did SL because now I know to recommend microlocks instead. But now I'm on this SL journey and I dont see a happy end. Most consultants sucks. A lot of them dont care about hair but the money. I have had consultants and ambassadors tell me they wont touch my locks bc I have a lot of hair. I have had consultants install wrong patterns and now I'm dealing with the consequences such as bunching, holes and thinning locks. I have a scalp condition and was shock at how many SL consultants dont know what to do when a client has Seborrheic dermatitis, Psoriasis, or scalp eczema but they will still do your hair and months later tell you that they cant continue your hair because of the scalp condition. But... what now? After investing thousands of dollars, now i am being told that my constant cant handle seborrheic dermatitis or other scalp problems? I believe Sisterlocks brand is training anyone who has money and releasing them into the world and these stylist doesnt have basic hair care knowledge to treat common scalp and hair issues of the clients. Consultants are over charging and not doing great work and sisterlocks doesnt step in to help the consumer who is dishing out thousands of dollars. I can go on and on... but I rather be an example and encourage people to not overlook microlocks.
DeleteSo true, help from the phone call made to the SL headquarters. The sisters were the list. I had one tell me my locks we're too. She combined about 50 them .i paid my consultant extra for micros my front because of I forehead and hair too look fuller and needless to say I changed consultant many times my hair looks awful.Originally I paid over 1200 because my was long. Rip off.
DeleteAs sisterlock consultant that went to the class, anyone that go to a class that does sisterlock any type of locks should be able to do whatever they choose to do in the business the systerlocks is a trademark and I can say they are very unprofessional in their office as a sisterlock consultant I have been through so many ups and down with sisterlocks so now I am letting people know sisterlocks is no different than Micro locks
ReplyDeleteas a sisterlocks consultant, I have learned that it is very important to take care of the hair as a licensed cosmotologist l know it is important to take care of it hair, in my shop we do both.sisterlocks is no different from micro locks sisterlocks is a trademark company they cannot patent the technique it is done and all natural hair. if you go to someone that knows how to take care of your here and no this technique you would be fine even though I am a consultant of sisterlock I recommend someone to retighten your hair that knows what they are doing.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you put this out there. I do not have sisterlocks because, like many other average women, I could not afford a $500+ install. I chose to interlock my own hair with the help of numerous youtube tutorials. I think the sisterlock brand is too exclusive and elitist. I contacted a local consultant to get a quote on a re-ti and she said that if I was not locked by a sisterlock consultant initially she could not do my re-ti!
ReplyDeleteI was locked by a SL consultant and was told by another that they wont touch my hair because the last consultant messed up my hair 2) I have too much locks for their preference and 3) I have seborrheic dermatitis. I asked if I change to microlocks would they consider just retightening and i was told no. It seems that because it is so exclusive it's more common to find consultants who just refuses to do hair and what can you do if you invested thousands already and now you cant find anyone who can care for your hair and you cant afford to pay for the class to do your own hair. It feels like sisterlocks is a natural hair trap.
DeleteI find that these consultants often think that they are God's gift to hair and they are not flexible with the client. I have consultant's say, oh your grid is not right, oh these are too small, these are too big, oh I can only do a retighting right now and no repair of slippage. 3 hour retightings? Seriously. It's really hard to find a good consultant that is there for the customer and not just a dollar.
ReplyDeleteYes! I'm right there with you! Sisterlocks appear to be a natural hair trap. And the grooming and repairs happens so frequently and consultants most times doesnt do this necessary step to preserve your locks. I have lost many locks due to locks breaking because they werent repaired or retightened at the middle of the lock. When I ask consultants to do a grooming session to repair it's like you called them a derogatory name... they appeared appalled and insulted at the request. But then locks break ar weak points and they suggest you are the cause... I tried to repair a few of my own locks to preserve them and i was told if i do that again I have to find a new consultant. But consultants aren't easy to locate. So I'm stuck with weak breaking locks and if I repair them I have to learn to do my own retighten afterward... what a headache! Had I known this, I would have just gotten micro locks from the local traditional loctitian
DeleteThank God for your honestly and a different perspectively. FINALLY!!!!! I could not afford sisterlocks. $500 for your hair!!???? is what my husband said. and that thought is insane. I did 6 months of research, youtube, and got a book"the knotty the truth" and I started my micro locs. I've been locked for a year and get my hair retightened by a loctician who knows what she's doing.I love the core premise of the sister loc movement. The freedom you get with your hair, but i do not love the potential restraints my wallet may experience.
ReplyDeleteJust buy business in a box by nappyloc its the exact same thing as sisterlocks.
ReplyDeleteMost people do not do the math when it xomes to Sister Locks. We as African American women will pay 250.00 for micro braids and most of the time still have to buy the hair. If you do this say twice a year that is 500.00. Not to mention a sew in yet again you have to purchase hair. As far as the time that it takes, how many times have we sat @ the hair salon to come home with a style that we will shampoo out the within the next 8/10 days to go back and do it all over again. I have had Sister Locks for 6 years now and I can say that it has truly been worth every dollar spent. :-)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. I had micros before SL and I love SL the most. My SL were installed by a trainer, I enjoy going every 6 weeks and love how my hair is flourishing. I following the directions was told and given by my loctician. SL is the best way to go.
DeleteDIY microlocs are on the rise and just as beautifull. DIY sisterlocks can be installed with twists or braids and in the end look exactly the same as sisterlocks. The whole interlocking is not even needed to start them. Small twists can be made and interlocked from there. Less time consuming and less money.
DeleteI am a newbie to sisterlocks 2 months i love my locks and my locktician she doesn't rob me when it comes to my retighting
ReplyDeleteI second your comment.
DeleteGreat to hear that you have a great consultant.
ReplyDeleteI had an awesome consultant and I had to move to for military purposes. I don't really like my current consultant and am stuck with her considering the fact that I'm on an island. I really miss my original consultant.
ReplyDeleteAs a sisterlocks registered trainee (trying to become a consultant), & as a natural hair care stylist, I have heard horror stories and experienced the horror stories on both ends as being a client and an installation technician. Firstly, let me say, that $500 may seem like a great deal of money, and in some cases, it is. However, yoi het what you pay for. Installation is no joke. Standing for 8-12 hours for 1-3 days is more than a notion-but I enjoy what I do. Also, the experience and the customer service savvy that the trainee or consultant has will determine whether or not they are worth their weight in gold. I offer several packages for maintenance services, and I also have payment plans available for clienta who meed a little more time than usual to pay for their locs (locs on layaway, lol). I have had my sisterlocks for 5 years now, amd I love them! The trainers who trained me, weren't necessarily friendly, but I didn't grt trained to make friends. However, I applaud anyone who installs sisterlocks and provides stellar customer service.
ReplyDeleteIt's soooo true. So many consultants are rude and arrogant. I can't stand the "spiritualization" of dead protein.
ReplyDeleteI personally believe that some consultants have finally found something to excel in and be good at, and now, they feel as if they need to get their egos fed, lol. But, I don't discourage this behavior, for it's the reason that I pull a lot of clients away from this bad behavior ;-).
ReplyDeleteFound a sisterlock consultant in TN. Charged me 1870 and didnt fulfil the obligation. Didn't lock my hair all the way to the tip. Basically only completed half of the job. It's been a total nightmare.. They just take your money and half do the job. I will be removing mines soon.