It’s a really tough season right now. Most of us are dealing with collective trauma from COVID-19 and social injustice. While this sponsored post is about how we eat. I think content that reminds us that we owe it to ourselves and to the community of folks that love us, to always engage in intentional self-care is important.

Earlier this year, my doctor noted that I needed to make a number of changes to help with my progressive weight gain, low energy, and poor sleep habits. What and how I consume food are a part of that. Always Eat After 7PM is a three-phase program that teaches you how to lose big by strategically eating big when you are naturally hungriest—in the evening. This could sound a little too good to be true, but it doesn’t seem like a gimmick. It’s all about making strategic and smart food swaps, and you can still eat your favorite foods.

I decided that I wanted to have a healthy relationship with food. I did not want dieting to consume my mental and spiritual journey. And at the end of my life, my greatest accomplishment should not be that I lost 5 pounds. I want to do a great many things while being physically and mentally healthy.

One of the ways that I am intentional about what I put in my body, while not letting it consume my life (and each person needs to do what makes sense for them), is intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting really shines when it comes to improving the hormones that directly affect your hunger, blood sugar, and metabolism. One is insulin. Intermittent fasting combats insulin resistance, meaning that it helps your body use insulin more normally, thereby lowering your diabetes risk and boosting your metabolism. Since my mother has diabetes, this is something I have to be ever cautious about.

Always Eat After 7 PM, written by Certified Sports Nutritionist Joel Marion, is a diet designed to work with your body’s natural hormonal systems, instead of working against them.
For me, intermittent fasting coupled with eating specific foods that helped my metabolism seems to work. Going without breakfast is part of intermittent fasting (IF), also called time-restricted feeding (TRF). IF is a pattern of food consumption that cycles between fasting and eating in specific time periods. There are various ways to do it; one of the most common is the 16/8 protocol, which involves 16 hours of fasting—typically done overnight—with an 8-hour window in which to eat each day. Since I work a traditional 9-5 (even though remotely at the moment) I particularly enjoy cooking an elaborate dinner. It’s how I wind down. It’s how I disconnect from the workday and reconnect with my personal life. In a nutshell, this diet makes sense for me on multiple levels, it just fits.

Do what makes sense for you.  Make it something you can maintain long-term. Make sure it doesn’t add any added material stress. And just try to live your best life, whatever that may look like.

If you are interested and have time, learn more here:

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